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Home > Elections
The August 6 State Primary saw a light turnout of eligible voters in the Township. 212 votes, about 30%, were cast. Absentee ballots accounted for 130 of the total. Our next election is the State General Election, November 5, 2024. If you are on the list to receive an Absentee Ballot, make sure we have your mailing address if you will be out of town after September 21st.
The site for Iosco County Early Voting is 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from October 26 through November 3, 2024, at Tawas Township Hall, 27 S. McArdle Rd. Tawas City, Ml 48763. The canvass for early voting will be held at the Tawas Township Hall, 27 S. McArdle, Tawas City, MI 48763 on or after 8pm on election night.
We are also still looking for a few people interested in working on the elections (election inspectors) for 2024. Anyone interested in becoming an Election Inspector (Poll worker) should contact the Township Hall, at 989-362-5410, for more information and an application.
Our new Ballot Drop Box has been installed at the hall. Please use this for all election mail. The box is highly visible and easy to recognize. Please continue to use the mail slot for all other correspondence with the township, i.e., tax payments, zoning permits and letters.
Results for the county can be found at Past election results for Wilber and Iosco County are always available here at Typically, the most recent elections take some time to appear on this site, please check back occasionally as they will ultimately be uploaded.
Thank You,
Gary Mallon - Election Clerk
Mailing Address:
Wilber Township
3120 Sherman Road
East Tawas, MI 48730
E-mail Address:
(989) 362-5410